Budgeting for your Student Credit Card
When you use your student credit card, you must ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover your balance of your statement. This article will give you an indication why you must only spend with your credit card what you have available.
To start this off, think about your life as a high school student and what has happened so far. For most high school graduates who have lived with their parents through their teenage formative years, they have not had to worry about finances. Coming onto campus with little knowledge of finances can be a tough combination with the rewards that credit card companies are willing to offer if you open up a credit card. The first key when thinking about budgeting for your student credit card is to read what you are signing up for. The rewards you will receive for signing up for a new credit card pale in comparison to the finance charges if you run up a balance on your credit card.
Take this fact into consideration when you are filling out a credit card application. The average graduate from college owes roughly twenty-two hundred dollars on credit cards, according to Nellie Mae who leads the nation in student loans. If you think about this fact and how long it can take to pay back this money when including interest, you would probably not take out that credit card.
If you have $2200 in credit card debt and your interest rate on the card was twenty percent, you would be paying over four hundred dollars in interest. Most students feel that they will pay this back when they graduate and make money in the real world. What is not often considered is how long this can take to pay back and it can be difficult to pay this back with other living expenses such as rent, car payments, insurance, and the list goes on. What seems like a big check often is much less once you have taken into consideration the costs of living everyday life.
To make sure you are correctly budgeting for your student credit card, you should only spend what you can pay for. This should be included in a monthly budget if you need to. Some students will only put gas on a credit card or groceries and have that money sitting in their checking account at the end of the month. Taking the time to understand when you should spend money and not spend money is a key to making sure that you properly maintain a disciplined budget with your credit card. Budgeting and not spending beyond what you can pay for is a skill which must be learned at a young age. If you do not develop this habit at a young age, you could find yourself continuing with the same habits as you get older. This can partially explain why the average American household owes roughly nine thousand dollars in credit card debt.
Hopefully this article on the importance of budgeting for your student credit card has explained why it is so imperative. Seeing the type of credit card debt the average student finds him or herself in should explain completely why you want to budget for your student credit card.