This article will talk about the necessities of managing your student credit card. If you have read some of the other articles, you have seen that it is important to manage your credit cards. This article will talk about how high the student credit card debt level is.
Let's start with the undergraduate years. Using Nellie Mae as the source (largest provider of student loans in the United States), the average student comes out of college with roughly $2200 in credit card debt. If you are a graduate student, the figure jumps to $5800. To look further at the American household, the average credit card debt is a little less than nine thousand dollars.
Why were those numbers given straight off in this article? What kind of pattern can you see when you look at those numbers? Here is what you should see: the bad habits which began as an undergraduate continued into the graduate years and into the working years. The student credit card debt balloons eventually to almost nine thousand as an average with many households coming in at higher numbers than the nine thousand dollars. There are bad financial habits which are in place and are never corrected.
Let us take this back specifically to you. You do not want to find yourself in this situation when you graduate from college or from graduate school. Here are the actions you need to take make sure you avoid student credit card debt.
Pay off your credit card every single month. It is very easy to tell yourself you will pay it off next month but next month turns into the following month and often that balance can continue to grow eventually to a level you never thought it could reach. Carrying a balance is a slippery slope because it is acceptable for one hundred dollars one month and maybe two hundred dollars the next month.
Be honest with yourself. If you find you are pulling out your credit card for something you don't need, you may be overspending. Retail stores promote their credit cards so heavily because it has been proven that people spend more with credit cards than if they have the cash with them. You do not think as much about what you are spending when you use your credit card.
Keep track of how much you spend on the card on a monthly basis and keep track of this weekly. Your credit card balance can get out of control if you only check out how much you owe once a month. Weekly check-ups allow you to change your behavior before it becomes a problem at the end of the month. This allows you to act instead of react.
Hopefully this article on student credit card debt has given you helpful knowledge. Credit cards can be a good thing or a bad thing in your life. It is how you manage the card or let it manage you. Most people let their debt manage their lives instead of them managing their lives with less debt. There is a very simple but powerful difference in that previous statement. Good luck!